New Product Development
- Biological and chemical products
- Broadcast, banded, in-furrow, foliar and side-dress application
- Seed treatments, granular and liquid applications
- Rate and application timing trials
Promotion Research
- Competitive product comparisons
- Demonstration plots
- Strip trials
- Provide supporting data for rate and timing recommendations
GIS Expertise
- Plot plans RCB or other plot design
- Treatment maps
- Topography
- RTK precision mapping
- Custom spatial analysis
- Aerial photos
- Yield analysis
Data Management
- Quality control
- Data extraction and conversion
- Descriptive statistics
- Factor analysis
- Charts and graphs
Field Observations
- Leaf stage
- Root, stalk, leaf, and ear sampling
- Plant height
- Stalk diameter
- Root area
- Population
- Vigor
- Growth stage
- Emergence
- Yield
- Moisture
- Appearance

Site Selection
- Tailored to research goals
- Wide variety of soil types and fertility levels available
- Tillage systems
- Rotation
- Multiple site years
- Detailed soil analysis

Specialized Equipment
- Dry banding
- Liquid banding
- Dry in-furrow
- Liquid in-furrow
- Small plot NH3 applicator
- Co-application of products
- Foliar applications
- Precision Planting row units
- RTK positioning for planting and product applications
- Seed treatments
- Impregnated fertilizers
- Small plot harvesters corn, soybean
- Deep soil testing equipment
- Special equipment design capabilities