Getting Started with the Illinois Soil Nitrogen Test
- Identify fields for sampling.
- a. Submit boundary file or plat map
- b. Sample will be taken on approximately 2.5 acre grids or by management zones.
- c. Soil samples will be taken from 0-12 inches and 12-24 inches for organic nitrogen analysis.
- Submit field history and cropping plan.
- a. Improving nitrogen management relies on identifying the factors that are important for crop response and developing individual field recommendations.
- b. Initial rates will be conservative although in many cases may allow for substantial nitrogen savings.
- Review nitrogen soil map and application map.
- a. Apply nitrogen with variable rate applicator.
- b. Evaluation rates can be included in map so future rates can be adjusted for localized field responses.
- c. Map yields and analyze evaluation rates.
- ISNT map can be used for several corn crops. Use evaluation rates to adjust to optimum economic nitrogen rate. With previous map as a guide, resample to improve accuracy of organic nitrogen test and to track any changes in test values.